Buddy Automotive Innovations
VIN Match Pro Integration Complete! More Helpful Data to Make Your Job Easier.

Buddy Automotive Innovations, LLC

Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Mike Lambert
(866) 337-1177
(888) 422-2714 Fax
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Buddy Automotive Innovations has been serving well over 1,000 professional automobile recyclers across the U.S., Canada, and Australia for 20 years. Buddy Automotive was founded in July 2003 by Mike Lambert and John Johnson. Inventory Buddy and Bid Buddy are designed specifically for auto recyclers to make their businesses more efficient and profitable. We currently have two full-time sales reps and six full-time support technicians and over 1,400 Buddies in use today.
Bid Buddy Has Great Features that Create the Best Comprehensive Buying Tool in the Auto Recycling Industry
The Newest VIN Decoding Program That Will Enhance Your Bidding
VIN Match Pro decodes for over 80% of makes and models to help simplify the sales process and get critical data into auto recycler’s hands earlier in the sales discussion with customers. That means more sales opportunities and a level playing field with other part segments. They have sourced OE Build Data and are adding new data sources regularly to expand their coverage. For brands without OE Build Data, VIN Match Pro offers AI-enhanced VIN decoding that is far more comprehensive than any other options available. You can also compare two VINs and immediately see which components match and which components do not match. VIN Match Pro also provides a robust mileage history for any car using the VIN or license plate. Their mileage history tool uses repair and service data as well as registration data to give you the full picture of a vehicle’s mileage history.
Triple scoring technology lets you create your own custom buying profiles and name them yourself. You create the part table and set different counts weights and parts lists for different buying environments. Late model, body shop and U Pull are examples of custom buying profiles. Global Reruns in Bid Buddy will show you every instance this VIN has been at auction. Bid Buddy retains the images from each auction run so you can see changes in condition. It helps you to know a little more about the vehicle before you buy it. Auction Parts and Pricing Service (APPS) lets you share your data with fellow auto recyclers to cooperate together and share the work done for auctions. Share at your comfort level with four levels of data-sharing options.
Inventory Buddy Now Integrated with VIN Match Pro Too!
The Newest VIN Decoding Program That Will Enhance Your Inventory Process
Vin Match Pro is now in the third-party settings on the Final Desktop Review. Just add your login and password and an abundance of VIN information will be at your fingertips when doing inventory. The report will download with the vehicle on the tablet and is sortable by keyword. Another image of the VIN report will attach to your vehicle when it uploads to your YMS. Pinnacle Pro Users Inventory Buddy can now import images into Pinnacle Pro and can attach images to a part now. All you need is a data export hardware (“chuck”) that imports the images from the FDR into your Pinnacle Pro database. VIN Match Pro is integrated in Bid Buddy and will import vehicle mileage. That data will transfer into Inventory Buddy soon after.
Inventory Buddy’s Loose Parts Audit is a powerful tool for performing a physical inventory of your warehouse stock. It can list all the parts expected at a location, and then you can mark each part as found or not found. This can be made even easier if your part tags are bar coded and you use a bar code scanner to scan each tab and mark them found automatically. After finishing a section, any parts not found, are marked for deletion. Audit is smart enough, that if you come across a missing part at a later location, it takes that previous delete and turns it into a move action instead. Parts Images in Loose Parts. Are you missing images on parts inventoried in your YMS? Use Loose Parts to add or replace an image to a part.